Tuesday, 19 February 2008

My first post!

Hi. I have created this blog to share my ideas, developments and work with anyone wishing to read. If you wish to leave any feedback or general comments please do so. I will eventually get round to adding some code examples and discuss what I am developing at the minute.

I am currently studying my final year of a Computer Games Programming course and the University of Huddersfield. I have experience with Microsoft's DirectX 9 and 10 and XNA. I know how to program in Java, C# and C++ (my favourite).

My favourite area of games development is Rendering. I enjoy developing shaders, effects and strange rendering techniques. I feel it is a very visual aspect of programming, you can see your results almost instantly (providing it compiles).

My placement year was spent at Canalside Studios (www.canalsidestudios.com). During my time there I learnt a lot and we managed to obtain a contract with Microsoft to publish one of our titles on XBox Live Arcade!

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